In our Recruit News articles, we share recruitment suggestions and industry information to benefit your organisation.
Equip new employees for success
Author Charlotte Garner, published May2014
The faster new employees are able to show you their best work, the faster your organisation can capitalise on their skills. In many cases, when new employees commence with an organisation, they lack a feeling of value to their team. If you want your new employee to feel valued, help them by setting some short-term goals! Click here to read more.
Have a great impact on your organisation
Author Kathryn FitzGerald, published May 2014
Have you ever attended a conference and come back to the office with lots of great ideas? At first you are highly motivated and can’t wait to implement all of them. But 6 months later, what have you actually accomplished? Kathryn FitzGerald considers how implementing one idea rather than talking about hundreds will have a higher level of success.
Identifying transferable skills for successful hires
Author James Muskett, published May 2014
Are you missing out on candidates who have better skills, can bring new perspective and are more motivated to make a difference to their new organisation? James Muskett looks at how you can increase and improve your pool of candidates by identifying their transferable skills.
Taking care of the job seekers yo don't hire
Author Adele Williams, published May 2014
Reputation plays an important role in attracting the best talent. Your organisation’s reputation as an employer of choice is dependent on how you treat candidates as well as employees. Adele Williams looks at how an organisation’s actions can affect the opinions of candidates during the hiring process.
Sustainability at work - are you involved?
Author Kathryn FitzGerald, published May 2014
There are lots of opportunities to get your workplace involved in sustainable actions around the office. Some of the benefits include saving resources, avoiding waste and harmful chemicals, being energy efficient and doing things more efficiently and effectively to save time and money. Involve your team or co-workers to generate ideas and solutions!
The art of persuasion in recruitment
Author Charlotte Garner, published May2014
You have the perfect candidate in front of you and you’re ready to make that job offer. So now is the time to fine tune your expertise in persuasion if you want to have your job offer accepted! Kathryn FitzGerald looks at the use of persuasion in recruiting to improve the selection process. Click here to read more. For further information go to the Australian Department of Industry Living Greener for practical ways to be sustainable at work.
Managing bias in recruitment
Author Charlotte Garner, published February 2014
Many of our decisions can be made unconsciously and if you are not alert to your own or someone else’s biases, they may distract you from selecting the best candidate. This can be particularly true if you are part of an interview panel. Click here to consider these top tips for managing biases.
Hiring choices...extroverts or introverts?
Author Debbie Chester, published February 2014
Do you hold assumptions about the people you hire? Do you associate extroverted people as being the most successful? Do you think extroverted people make the best employees? Debbie Chester takes a look at introverts and extroverts in the workplace and finds that successful recruiting means finding a healthy mix of both!. Click here for the full article.
Virtual interviewing...a solution with many benefits
Author Adele Williams, published February 2014
It’s not always possible for candidates to travel to an interview. It can also be quite expensive if the interview is in another state or even country. So it’s no wonder that virtual (or video) interviewing is flourishing. Click here to read what Adele Williams has to say about the many benefits of utilising modern technology to save time and reduce interviewing costs.
Don’t let your Christmas become a staffing nightmare – beware of the potential risks!
Author Charlotte Garner, published November 2013
Work Christmas parties are a wonderful opportunity to improve and foster staff relationships; however, it is wise to prepare for any potential incidents that may occur outside the normal work environment! With the festive season approaching and employers preparing for end-of-year parties, we look at potential risks and how they can be minimised. Click here to read more.
7 reasons why you should not hit snooze…
Author Kathryn FitzGerald, published November 2013
Getting up to go to work is never easy. Like most, you might not jump right out of bed when your alarm goes off in the early morning hours; unless you are a morning person. In this article we take a light hearted look at the benefits of starting work early. Click here to read more.
Social Recruiting – power or propaganda?
Author Adele Williams, published November 2013
The noise around social recruitment methodologies continues, but with mixed reviews as to its success and effectiveness. The question around whether social recruiting is the way of the future has been posed over and over and has remained unanswered for several years now. So what strategy should organisations adopt when looking for the best candidates? Click here to read more.
The foundation of the recruitment process - accurate job descriptions
Author James Muskett, published November 2013
How many times have you read a job description and wondered what the person was really doing in the job? And how many times have you heard employees say they’ve found aspects of a new job different to that expected? This article looks at the need for accurate job descriptions to improve the selection process and increase employee engagement and retention. Click here to read more.
Don't mind the gap!
Author Debbie Chester, published August 2013
Do large gaps in a resume raise a red flag? How often have you put aside an application from a candidate simply because of the time gap on their resume? This article looks at the misconceptions about those re-entering the workforce and the advantages they may bring to your organisation. Click here to read more.
6 reasons to offer flexible work options
Author Kathryn FitzGerald, published August 2013
Flexible work options are increasingly becoming an essential element to creating an effective organisation. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics' last census, 1 in 12 people work more from home than from the workplace. So why should organisations embrace flexible work options? Click here to read more about why you should get your hiring managers on board.
Don't manage money...manage people!
Author James Muskett, published August 2013
Many organisations apportion their budgets on return on investment, so how does your HR department quantify the economic value of people management? Great people and great people management add value to an organisation. In this article we look at why investing in your people reduces turnover and increases profit. Click here to read more.
Four steps to a harmonious team and an effective, timely recruitment campaign
Author Charlotte Garner, published May 2013
If you are not looking in the same direction, chances are, you may waste valuable time and miss out on the best candidate. In this article we look at how to get your hiring team working together. Click here to read the full article by Charlotte Garner.
Give candidates feedback...yes or no?
Author Adele Williams, published May 2013
If a candidate asks how they performed at their interview, do you provide feedback? Or do you hesitate? Adele Williams provides a balanced view on this issue. Click here to read more.
e-recruitment technologies...friend or foe?
Author James Muskett, published May 2013
Most organisations now use some form of e-recruitment platforms as part of their recruitment strategy. However, as with any advancement, the solution to one problem often creates another. Click here to look at James Muskett's advice on four common problems and strategies to overcome them.
The Migration Act...three things every HR practitioner should know
Author Hilary Dixon, published May 2013
In 2013 changes are being made to the Migration Act. But do you know what they are and, more importantly, what they mean for you? Hilary Dixon provides an update and suggests steps that you should put in place. Click here for information on the Act.
3 STEPS to achieving the essential elements for an engaged workforce
Author Kathryn FitzGerald, published February 2013
Many organisations now realise that the key to productivity, retention and the achievement of business goals is to effectively 'engage' their employees. In this article we look at the benefits of a motivated, engaged workforce and the key elements to acheiving this objective. Click here to read the full article.
5 STEPS to building a winning recruitment team
Author Charlotte Garner, published February 2013
Selecting the best person for the job is not as simple as advertising and interviewing. The first step is to establish your hiring strategy and decide who in your organisation is going to participate in the recruitment process. Charlotte Garner provides vital clues to the steps you should take.Click here to read the full article.
Why e-Learning is so effective for professional development
Author James Muskett, published February 2013
Organisations with an eye to increased productivity and retention are constantly seeking ways to improve the skills and knowledge of their work force. With its capacity to provide flexible, targeted and cost effective solutions, increasingly e-Learning is filling this gap. Click here to read the full article.
What's in a may need to look deeper
Author Adele Williams, published February 2013
When recruiting, are you influenced by the candidate's job itltes? Or do you focus on the components of each role, the skills and competencies developed? Adele Williams looks at the traps that may be costing you good candidates. Click here to read the full article.
Emotional intelligence - do you harness the power of emotionally aware staff?
Author James Muskett, published November 2012
Need outstanding employees? One approach to developing a culture of excellence in your workplace is to actively encourage emotional intelligence, which is the ability to recognise and manage emotional impulses as they occur. So how do you promote this valuable skill among your staff? Click here to read the full article.
Adapting to multi-generational workplaces
Author Elizabeth Clampit, published November 2012
Most workplaces now comprise a mixture of generations - from Baby Boomers to Generations X and Y and to the upcoming Generation Z. So how do you manage such a diverse workforce and ensure the future management of your organisation? We look at the essential management changes required to keep pace with the changing generations. Click here to read the full article.
SEVEN things that should ring warning bells
Author Adele Williams, published November 2012
Professional Recruiters complete hundreds of interviews a year. We have learned to recognise the danger signs that indicate a candidate may not be as good as we hoped. Here we share our experience to ensure you don’t get caught by common traps. Click here to read the full article.
Ready, steady, hire?
Author James Muskett, published August 2012
You have your applications and now it’s time to conduct the interviews, so what are the steps you need to take to find the right candidates? From preparation to interview techniques, these are the strategies every employer should follow to achieve the best hiring outcomes. Click here to read the full article.
Behavioural interviewing is as easy as 1, 2, 3
Author Adele Williams, published August 2012
There is much more to interviewing than simply asking questions. Behavioural-based interviewing is based on the premise that past performance is the best predictor of future performance, and can help you discover your ideal candidate. These three little tips can offer BIG returns. Click here to read the full article.
Are you customer focused ... really?
Author Charlotte Garner, published August 2012
Most organisations are bound to receive customer complaints. And while you can’t expect to operate flawlessly all of the time, you can avoid losing focus on the customer by learning the warning signs that indicate when you’ve strayed. Click here to read the full article.
Eliminate FEAR & DOUBT ... 6 strategies to overcome workplace worries
Author Kathryn FitzGerald, published August 2012
Fear and doubt are emotions that affect all of us in our personal lives, but they can be destructive if allowed to permeate workplace culture. Workplace fear can lead to self-doubt, which may in turn manifest in many types of self-destructive behaviour. The article outlines six practical strategies to use in overcoming fear and doubt in the workplace. Click here to read the full article.
Start with the End in Mind ... to increase retention & reduce staffing costs
Author Hilary Dixon, published May 2012
Earlier this year Dixon Appointments conducted an extensive survey to understand triggers that lead people to change jobs. Considering the financial costs of replacing and training new staff, plus the potential loss of productivity, key knowledge, this is important for all managers. This article looks at the reasons for people changing roles and some strategies to minimise these issues during the recruitment process. Click here to read the full article.
Environmental strategy ... engage your staff and save the environment
Author James Muskett, published May 2012
It's a well entrenched concept that industry plays an important role in the ongoing battle against climate change. But how do you ensure your staff adopt practices that support your environmental policy? No doubt you will have found a low level of participation ... at least initially. Click here to read the full article.
Community Engagement ... the rewards may surprise you
Author Aaron Butcher, published May 2012
At Dixon Appointments we often highlight our partnerships with community organisations and the support that our people provide and how contributing to human welfare helps staff feel a stronger sense of organisational pride.Click here to find out how Dixon Appointments is involved.
Email Overload ... engulfed by emails? Here are some tips to save time
Author Charlotte Garner, published May 2012
Have you ever considered how many emails you are now receiving and how much of your time is being used to manage them? As technology changes, so do the pressures we are surrounded by and studies have shown us to have increased adrenaline each time we check our emails. Click here to find out how to best manage your emails.
Attraction, Retention, Engagement - getting your HR strategy right
Author Kathryn FitzGerald, published February 2012
Sourcing skilled staff, retaining their experience, and ensuring they are actively engaged and motivated is crucial. To improve staffing, it may be time to ask some hard questions about your approach. Greater inclusion can create a wider candidate talent pool, while hiring on merit can reduce selection 'blind spots'. A reduction in turnover and increased retention may also be a result of these same strategies by engendering greater stability. Strategies that improve employment loyalty are giving companies an edge in today’s market, offering additional employee benefits and greater working flexibility, and cultivating workplace diversity. . . Click here to read the full article.
Staff Retention - 4 key issues that affect your staff turnover
Author James Muskett, published October 2011
Conducted this year, Mercer’s What’s Working survey, discovered that four in ten Australian workers are seriously considering leaving their employer. So how can you retain your most important assets? We explore some key strategies and provide some insight into this daunting issue. Click here to read the full article.