Good quality candidates are becoming more selective in relation to the roles they are willing to accept and the potential employer. They have a list of criteria that must be satisfied before they accept a job and will research the organisation, ensuring their values and workplace practices match their requirements.
Therefore if organisations don’t appeal to those qualities, they will miss out on the best candidates!
Acting to attract
Think of your candidates as your customers. What will appeal to them? What are you trying to attract? Then incorporate that into your attraction strategies.
As competition for the best candidates is strong, employers will need to offer more than just money. Strong candidates are likely to attract multiple offers with similar levels of pay; so other factors such as opportunities for career development, work-life balance and organisational culture come into play.
Career progression
Finding a job with better career opportunities ranks high amongst the reasons candidates leave one job for another. Therefore, in order to attract these candidates, an organisation needs to be able to clearly define and communicate the career opportunities available to them.
By matching a candidate’s desire for career development to what the organisation has to offer, you are more likely to attract the best candidate and retain them for longer.
Work-life balance
Work is just one part of an individual’s life and employees who are well balanced will be happier and more productive.
Being able to balance the needs, responsibilities and expectations of ourselves, partners, families, friends and employers are key to achieving balance.
Therefore, good location, close to home, easy commute, flexible work hours and/or the ability to work from home are things which appeal to prospective employees.
Organisational culture
One of the biggest concerns a candidate has in accepting a new job is that the work culture and environment will be a good fit for them.
Finding a job with an organisation with a work culture that will fit their values is important. Candidates are looking for tangible values that align with their own belief systems and organisations who can clearly communicate these values will be more attractive to potential candidates.
Once employed, not only will that employee stay longer, they will be more engaged and more productive.
Attracting top candidates
The best candidates will always have options, so re-evaluate your approach to sourcing, communicating and engaging with the people who have the greatest potential to add value to your organisation.
Great businesses are about a lot more than just making money, and the best employers get their employees to buy into their mission.