Recruit News
In our RecruitNews articles, we share recruitment suggestions and industry information to benefit your organisation.
Are unconscious biases still impacting hiring decisions?
Author Charlotte Garner published January 2018
Although many decisions we make are objectively informed, there are some unconscious biases that interfere with good decision-making and lead to biased outcomes in recruitment. These unconscious biases are made without intent but continue to shape hiring decisions.
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The value of learning in the workplace
Author Mary Appleby published January 2018
Why should training and professional development be part of your organisation's strategy? Learning in the workplace improves talent, leadership and organisations to deliver value to all stakeholders.
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Should I multi-list my vacancy with more than one recruiter?
Author Kathryn FitzGerald published January 2018
Does having more than one agency recruiting for your vacancy help or hinder a positive recruitment outcome?
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4 retention strategies for today's workforce
Author James Muskett, published August 2017
There is no one solution to fix a retention problem, and in fact some attrition will always be a good thing. But there are a number of practical ideas that are easy to implement that can help guide you in the right direction.
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Playing safe with transferable skills?
Author Halee Reid published August 2017
Most people will have at least three different careers during their working life and many of the skills used in one will be transferable to another.
Do employers play it safe when looking for new employees?
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3 tips to improve your quality of hire
Author Elly Cawley published August 2017
Poor quality of hire can quickly destroy a team or company, while excellent quality of hire can take an organisation to next-level performance. But hiring great people is tough!
In this article, we look at three ways to directly impact your quality hires.
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What to do with mediocre employees
Author James Muskett, published May 2017
All too often managers are forced to contend with members of their team who fall somewhere between those who are great and those who are poor. They contribute little to the team but give no overt reason for letting them go. Mediocre workers present a challenge all their own!
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7 tips to connect with your remote workers
Author Debbie Chester, published May 2017
Employees who are working remotely may miss out on the sense of teamwork you enjoy when you’re in the office every day. How do you connect with your remote workers and encourage collaboration between remote and in-house teams?
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Motivate and energise your workforce
Author Halee Reid published May 2017
Less than one-third of employees are engaged at work, more than half are not engaged in their jobs and nearly one-fifth of employees actively disengaged!
If we engage employees and include them in decision-making and planning, they want to be at the workplace. Those that feel less engaged, are less likely to walk the extra mile.
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How to say NO like a Pro
Author Charlotte Garner, published Feb 2017
For most of us, saying no doesn’t come naturally. The automatic yes in us, is the part that shows ourselves as being a ‘good’ person and yes is less awkward than saying no. However, taking on other people’s tasks or diverting your time to handle someone else’s work simply because of a desire not to offend may be a recipe for resentment.
Practice saying no! Saying no to a colleague may not feel comfortable, but it does get better the more it is said.
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Create Five Star Customer Service
Author Shannon Sosa Torres, published Feb 2017
When it comes to customer service, the fundamentals haven’t changed. The younger generation may want more independence from having to interact directly with a company’s representative but when they do, they expect an even higher level of service. What has changed, is creating exceptional customer service across multiple communication channels.
Traditional communication channels are still relevant, but they now share equal space with technology.
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Interviews: what you can't ask
Author James Muskett, published Feb 2017
The purpose of a job interview is to gather as much information about the candidate as possible and decide who the best person for the role is. But not by crossing the line! Employers are required by law to avoid discrimination when recruiting staff, and asking inappropriate or illegal questions at interviews may leave your organisation exposed for claims of discrimination.
You might be tempted to ask some of these questions, but shouldn’t!
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Candidates are becoming choosier
Author Dean Edwards, published Nov 2016
Top candidates will always have options and as competition for the best candidates is strong, employers will need to offer more than just money! Candidates want to work for an organisation that matches their specific requirements and if organisations don’t appeal to these, they will miss out on the best people.
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Consequences of selecting poorly
Author Debbie Chester, published Nov 2016
Hiring the wrong person for the job can have serious consequences! The impact of poor job fit can extend well beyond the employee simply quitting their job. It can affect the organisation’s bottom line, other employees in the organisation and even the employee’s family.
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Reaching out to the millennial generation
Author Adele Taylor, published Nov 2016
By 2017 the millennial’s spending power will surpass that of baby boomers as there are now more millennials in the workforce than Gen-X or baby boomers. They're often considered to be extremely confident and work to live rather than living to work.
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Encouraging humour in the workplace
Author Charlotte Garner, published Aug 2016
There’s a time and a place for everything … including humour! Humour at work is highly recognised for the benefits it brings to the individuals and the organisation and this article looks at why you should incorporate more humour into your workplace.
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Walk and talk - meetings on the move
Author Adele Taylor, published Aug 2016
With the introduction of activity tracking devices, it seems that everyone is now talking about the ‘walk-and-talk’ meetings! Walking meetings allow for light exercise and are a great way to achieve those 10,000 steps each day. But they also have other great benefits for the organisation.
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Using visuals in your recruitment process
Author James Muskett, published Aug 2016
How do you use visuals in your recruitment processes? Research has shown that people are naturally more attracted to images and the objective of recruitment is to attract the best candidates!
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Customer Service starts at the top
Author Charlotte Garner, published Nov 2015
Customers are the most important people in any business. Customers are not dependent on us, we are dependent on them! Dissatisfied customers never forget and dissatisfied customers talk.
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Recruiting for Innovation
Author Adele Taylor, published Nov 2015
Having innovation during times of economic difficulty, especially when competitors may struggle to stay relevant, can mean the difference between significant growth and gain in market share, or cutbacks.
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Looking below the surface for cultural fit
Author Kathryn FitzGerald, published Nov 2015
Company culture has an enormous impact on attracting and retaining top talent, which explains why many of the companies noted for their unique, enjoyable work cultures are also some of the most profitable.
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Is job-hopping becoming more acceptable?
Author Debbie Chester, published May 2015
The traditional view might have been that having multiple shorter term positions on your resume raised a red flag to future employers that you aren’t serious about their role/organisation. But is this true today?
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3 tips for better interviews
Author James Muskett, published May 2015
And given that interviewing and hiring is one of the biggest risks a company faces, it’s a good idea to get it right the first time! Hiring the right people has never been easy; however, the process can be made simpler by building an effective interviewing process.
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Recruiting via LinkedIn
Author Kathryn FitzGerald, published May 2015
It was simpler back in the day. You had a vacancy, placed your advertisement in the paper and waited for the applications. Then came online job boards….access to huge volumes of candidates in a single click!
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Are resumes redundant?
Author Adele Taylor, published Feb 2015
How many different resumes have you read? Some start with education, others with experience. Some include a personal summary and/or personal interests and hobbies. There is no ‘standard’ length and amount of detail for each employment history.
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5 reasons ‘manipulation’ is not a dirty word
Author Kathryn FitzGerald, published Feb 2015
I have a secret. After many years of hiding it, I've decided,'s time I told the world. So here it is; I am what I like to call a Master Manipulator. And here's why you should want to be one too!
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6 weeks to hire is too long!
Author Candace Macfarlane, published Nov 2014
How long is your average time to hire? Four weeks? Six? Longer?? You’re not alone. Close to half of employers take six weeks or longer to get to job offer stage.
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Do you suffer from poor job fit?
Author Charlotte Garner, published Nov 2014
Even in times of high unemployment, people quit their jobs and the most likely cause is poor job fit. Many of us have experienced this — the wrong job. It’s no one’s fault, but it’s dawned on us that our work life is out of alignment and we look for a position that is a better fit.
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Author Kathryn FitzGerald, published Nov 2014
What would make you happier as an employee? More money? A promotion? Flexible working hours?
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When is the time to hire?
Author Adele Taylor, published Nov 2014
Do you practice positive leadership?
Author Kathryn FitzGerald, published Aug 2014
The Positive Leadership concept is not new. However, until the last decade or so the touchy-feely notion of “happiness” seemed more the concept for artists and philosophers than scientists and economists.
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Aligning recruitment and goals
Author James Muskett, published Aug 2014
A key goal of nearly every recruiting leader and staff member is to be recognised by their senior executives as providing a major contribution to the corporate strategic plan and its goals. But how do you convince your CEO that recruitment is a major contributor?
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Equip new employees for success
Author Charlotte Garner, published May 2014
The faster new employees are able to show you their best work, the faster your organisation can capitalise on their skills. In many cases, when new employees commence with an organisation, they lack a feeling of value to their team. If you want your new employee to feel valued, help them by setting some short-term goals!
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Have a great impact on your organisation
Author Kathryn FitzGerald, published May 2014
Have you ever attended a conference and come back to the office with lots of great ideas? At first you are highly motivated and can’t wait to implement all of them. But 6 months later, what have you actually accomplished? Kathryn FitzGerald considers how implementing one idea rather than talking about hundreds will have a higher level of success.
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Identify transferable skills for successful hires
Author James Muskett, published May 2014
Are you missing out on candidates who have better skills, can bring new perspective and are more motivated to make a difference to their new organisation? James Muskett looks at how you can increase and improve your pool of candidates by identifying their transferable skills.
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Taking care of the job seekers you don't hire
Author Adele Williams, published May 2014
Reputation plays an important role in attracting the best talent. Your organisation’s reputation as an employer of choice is dependent on how you treat candidates as well as employees. Adele Williams looks at how an organisation’s actions can affect the opinions of candidates during the hiring process.
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Sustainability at work - are you involved?
Author Kathryn FitzGerald, published May 2014
There are lots of opportunities to get your workplace involved in sustainable actions around the office. Some of the benefits include saving resources, avoiding waste and harmful chemicals, being energy efficient and doing things more efficiently and effectively to save time and money. Involve your team or co-workers to generate ideas and solutions! For further information go to the Australian Department of Industry for practical ways to be sustainable at work.
The art of persuasion in recruitment
Author Kathryn FitzGerald, published February 2014
You have the perfect candidate in front of you and you’re ready to make that job offer. So now is the time to fine tune your expertise in persuasion if you want to have your job offer accepted! Kathryn FitzGerald looks at the use of persuasion in recruiting to improve the selection process.
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Managing bias in recruitment
Author Charlotte Garner, published February 2014
Many of our decisions can be made unconsciously and if you are not alert to your own or someone else’s biases, they may distract you from selecting the best candidate. This can be particularly true if you are part of an interview panel.
Click here to consider these top tips for managing biases.
Hiring choices...extroverts or introverts?
Author Debbie Chester, published February 2014
Do you hold assumptions about the people you hire? Do you associate extroverted people as being the most successful? Do you think extroverted people make the best employees? Debbie Chester takes a look at introverts and extroverts in the workplace and finds that successful recruiting means finding a healthy mix of both!.
Click here for the full article.