
Customer Experience Manager

Susan Trentin

Is there someone you particularly admire and if so, why?

Probably not just someone – but working with others who you can learn from. There are always different and better ways of doing a task.  Learning is impowering, even If it is just one thing.

What does an ideal weekend for you look like?

Spending quality time with my family as we are always on the go. Oh and a good glass of red !!

Something you love or hate about Melbourne?

Melbourne is great, you can always find somewhere to go or something to do at the last minute, and there’s always a football game on! Great for all ages and interests.

Most enjoyable challenge at work?

Biggest challenge is making changes, I enjoy implementing improvements and change, and then seeing colleagues grow and learn from this, giving you a great sense of achievement with great outcomes for everyone.

What do you enjoy about Dixon Appointments?

The people and being part of a team that is passionate about helping people. We all work as one team, have fun as one team and celebrate all the wins, this makes coming into work enjoyable.

Connect with Susan
