
Assistant Accountant

Sean Smith

What should we know about accounting and accountants?

Accounting is nothing like many people imagine it to be. The old traditional image of accounting is essentially becoming extinct. Contemporary accounting is multi-faceted, versatile and responsive to complex problems. Your accountant should be integrated as part of your broader business team examining and solving issues to the company’s best advantage.

Who is someone you particularly admire?

I find Winston Churchill admirable for refusing to feel scared by the blitz and for the way in which he cared for his daughter-in-law long after his son had destroyed their marriage.

What’s something you’re passionate about?

I’m passionate about gardening, especially traditional perennials. I thought most gardens were sterile and boring and didn’t want my garden to be reflective of the general indifference many people have towards the environment.

It’s nice seeing all the wildlife you can attract with the right plants, especially birds and insects. Currently I’m trying to perfect it so that something’s always in flower (except winter). It’s made me very appreciative of the seasons – winter’s a great palette cleanser in the garden.

Something you love or hate about Melbourne?

I’m not a fan of the standstill traffic in Melbourne, or the slow trains – it’s like you can’t win!

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