Kathryn FitzGerald
What is your favourite role to recruit?
I love recruiting anything out of the ordinary. I like working with intangibles- roles with some flexibility around the technical skills that allow me to really get to the interesting stuff; like why and how people do what they do. I love to understand human motivation, especially in an employment context.
Best recruiting advice you’ve ever been given?
I have had lots of amazing recruitment advice!
I think my favourite would have to be one of these because they apply to life in general:
“Everyone is telling a version of the truth. A recruiter’s job is to uncover the accuracy of the version they are hearing” or
“When the going gets tough, average performers slink away. Successful people front up and face the challenge head on.”
Best advice for hiring managers?
Don’t reject candidates based on resume – it’s one of the least effective tools in the recruitment process and so often where you miss your best talent.
Best piece of advice for job seekers?
In an interview you get 11 seconds to make a first impression. Make it good! Arrive 5 minutes early, dress appropriately, smile.
Favourite way to spend the weekend?
Usually involves taking the dogs to the park, sometimes a jog (if I’m feeling virtuous), a long lazy lunch with some friends and probably planning my next overseas adventure (South America is the next one!)
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