Protecting the Environment
Dixon Appointments is Green
Dixon Appointments has been working even harder to become cleaner and greener by considering how we can further minimise our impact on the environment. We have implemented many changes in our business to reduce our ecological footprint through sustainability practices.
ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Certification
Achieving a greener workplace means meeting the highest international standards in environmental management. This is why Dixon Appointments is proud to have achieved certification to ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Certification.
6 Star NABERS Energy Rating
We are proud to continue to hold a NABERS 6 Star energy rating. Administered nationally by the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water, the NABERS tool rates the energy efficiency of buildings and offices from 1 to 6 stars, with 6 stars representing exceptional performance. As a signatory to the CitySwitch green office program we are acknowledged as implementing a range of innovative energy efficiency measures that significantly reduce our impact on the natural environment by reducing office greenhouse gas emissions:
Carbon Neutral (NoCO2)
Dixon Appointments first achieved carbon neutral NoCO2 certification back in 2010-11. We have maintained certification each subsequent year with Carbon Reduction Institute. To achieve this, we completed a comprehensive carbon emissions audit of our business. We continually monitor and measure our climate change impact through the NoCO2 program. Our staff, clients and candidates can trust that our commitment is sustained.
Renewable Energy: Switching to Renewable Biomass
To offset carbon emissions that we cannot yet eliminate from our business, Dixon Appointments invests in renewable energy projects. One such project, based in India, assists disadvantaged rural communities to switch from reliance on coal based electricity production to renewable biomass to meet their energy needs, thereby creating clean energy and recycling rural waste in a clean and safe manner.
Environment Action Plan
Dixon Appointments has implemented a documented Action Plan to assist us to set, monitor and achieve our environmental goals. This includes:
- Reduction of energy use by switching off all electrical appliances when they are not in use and installing energy efficient lighting
- Use of 100% All Green Energy generated from clean, renewable energy sources
- Recycling program for paper, electronic equipment, waste and mobile phones
- Use of eco-friendly, non-toxic products/equipment
- Installation of water-efficient appliances
- Promotion of public and bicycle transport
- Encouragement of Clean up Australia Day, Earth Hour and other community programs
Reducing the Carbon Footprint of our Clients
As well as helping the planet, a sound environmental strategy also assists our clients to meet their environmental targets. As your supplier, our carbon neutral status contributes to reducing your total carbon footprint and greenhouse emissions 100%.
Interested to find out more about our Environmental and Sustainability Programs?
For more information on Dixon Appointments’ environmental and sustainability programs or a copy of the environmental policy, please contact Lucy Ricanek on 03 9629 9999 or email