OH&S Policy

Dixon Appointments is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for all of its employees and candidates. Our policy recognises that this is the responsibility of management working in co-operation and consultation with employees and candidates to ensure ongoing active prevention of injury and illness in the workplace.

Dixon Appointments’ approach to OH&S

Dixon Appointments approach to OH&S includes the following factors:

  • Compliance with legislation
  • Training programs for all staff
  • Continuous improvement of our safety record and
    system through ongoing review and monitoring
  • Clear communication to clients, candidates and
    staff through access to our web site, internet and intranet
  • Control the risk of accident or injury through risk
    assessment and monitoring of own and host employers site
  • Incident & injury reporting and management
  • Issue resolution procedures

OH&S Procedures & Instructions

Dixon Appointments has a health and safety system that is a fully documented and sets clear goals, responsibilities and objectives. The manual clearly defines OH&S safety procedures and instructions.

Interested to find out more about our Occupational Health and Safety practices?

For more information on Dixon Appointments’ OH&S practices or to request a copy of the OH&S Policy please contact Charlotte Garner at cgarner@dixonappointments.com.au.