Diversity and EEO

Dixon Appointments’ Diversity Policy

Diversity in the workplace reflects the nature of the Australian community and harnesses the talent, creativity, skills, and experience of individual employees to result in service delivery, productivity and innovation. For Dixon Appointments, promoting diversity in the workplace underpins our commitment to equal employment opportunities, treating all people fairly and respecting employees’ unique attributes. By upholding the principles of merit and equity, we work to harness the perspectives, knowledge, and experience of all members of our society.  

Equal Employment Opportunity

Dixon Appointments is dedicated to providing a workplace free of all forms of discrimination and harassment. Our policy aims for equality of opportunity for all employees – both permanent and temporary – and is consistent with our policy of merit-based selection and promotion. By maintaining our Equal Employment Opportunity policy we will continue to attract talented people and harness their abilities to benefit the organisation and the employee alike. This policy addresses issues of:

  • Responsibility and Obligations
  • Discrimination
  • Harassment and Sexual Harassment
  • Bullying and Victimisation

Dixon Appointments recognises and accepts a legal and ethical responsibility pursuant to state and federal legislation, including the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986.

Merit and Equity: Fair and Equitable Candidate Attraction

Dixon Appointments’ human resources policies support the principles of merit and equity. Recruitment and training, as well as opportunities for undertaking higher duties, create an equitable workplace where opportunities are awarded on the basis of merit. We provide recruitment methods which comply with merit and equity best practice, such as:

  • Employment decisions are based on merit
  • Employees are treated fairly and reasonably
  • Equal opportunity is provided
  • Employees have reasonable avenues of redress against an unfair or unreasonable treatment
  • Assessment is conducted against clearly defined criteria
  • Demonstrated capacity is fully documented
  • All decisions are made through a transparent process

Workplace Gender Equality Report

In accordance with the requirements of the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012, Dixon Appointments annual public reports are available below.

Comments on any annual reports can be made to us by emailing payroll@dixonappointments.com.au or to the Agency.  Please refer to the Agency's guidelines for this process on their website.

Dixon Appointments Annual Reports:

2024 WGEA Annual Report - lodged 23/05/2024

2023 WGEA Annual Report - lodged 04/05/2023

2022 WGEA Annual Report - lodged 20/05/2022

2021 WGEA Annual Report - lodged 28/06/2021

2020 WGEA Annual Report - lodged 08/07/2020

2019 WGEA Annual Report - lodged 14/05/2019

2018 WGEA Annual Report - lodged 22/05/2018

2017 WGEA Annual Report - lodged 31/05/2017

2016 WGEA Annual Report - lodged 16/05/2016

2015 WGEA Annual Report - lodged 27/04/2015

2014 WGEA Annual Report - lodged 20/04/2014